费胜伟:《外籍经理如何避免任职失败》How to Avoid Expats Failure in China?
2020-04-25 1960
 讲我所做 Tell what I did  做我所讲 Do what I told  经验、教训共分享 Share what I experienced  助您成长  Help you to succeed 没有高深理论,不煲心灵鸡汤,讲的都是我的亲身经历和过往。市场上谈经验的很多,讲教训的很少,讲自己教训的少之又少,我就是那少之又少中的一位。 如果您愿意听,我倾囊相授;如果您不爱听,走好不送!

《外籍经理如何避免任职失败》How to Avoid Expats Failure in China?

1. Are you OK, Expats in China?

2. What is Expatriate?

3. Expats in China

4. Top 20 Expat Destinations

5. Advantages of Expats

6. Disadvantages of Expats  

7. Expats Success or Failure

8. Factors to Expats Failure

 Personal Abilities

 Technical Skill

 Managerial Ability

 Benefits of Expats in China

 Cross Culture Communication Skill

 Language Ability

 Motivation to Work in China

 Ability dealing with uncertainty

 Sense of Humor

 Personal Characteristics

 Age and Maturity

 Stereotype

 Family Issues

 Spouse and his/her Career

 Children and Their Education

 Family Life and its Quality

 China – The Host Country Factor

 Expats and Three-Kingdoms

 China’s FDI Policy and Continuity

 China’s Political Stability

 Your Relation with China

 Chinese Culture

 Culture Difference is the main challenge

 China-Western Culture Comparison

 The Trans-National Company

 Terms of Expatriation

 Learn Chinese Culture: Jingle

 Repatriation Policy

9. Summary

10. How Would You Comment Your Own Experience in China?

11. Where Are You Now?

12. What Would You Do Then?

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