徐锡文:时间管理 Time Management
2016-07-20 2357

Course Introduction

The two major keys to time management are knowing where time is

spent, and focusing efforts on issues with higher levels of importance. Time

escapes minute by minute and hour by hour. Nothing you do will stop or rewind a

clock. You all have the same amount of time, 1,440 minutes per day. There are

no short-cuts to managing yourselves more effectively. The key is to invest

your time in the most productive way, not only for the sake of your company but

for your own peace of mind.


• Clarify your mission, vision,

principles& set goals

• Apply tools to plan,

organize, and manage your time

• Simplification,

systemization, elimination and delegation

• Stop multitasking and quit procrastinating

• Managing interruption &

the gentle art of saying no

• Organize your workspace for

improved efficiency

You Will Learn…

How to do the most important thing in your life each and every


How to complete 100% of your “A” to-do tasks for the rest of

your life!

How to improve your ability to function more effectively even

when time is tight and pressures are high!

How to get better reputation and increase opportunities for


How to develop positive work habits to better use your time and

reduce workplace stress!

How to get productive and stay balanced at work as well as

outside the office!

How to align priorities to match your performance goals!

How to get rid of bottlenecks that slow you down!

How to provide the vision and motivation to your team so they

work together toward the same goal!

Who Should Attend


(especially business professionals) who want greater control of their working time,

management style and life.


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