王文明:道德经英文 第三章
2016-01-20 5926
Governing Without Interruption



Do not exalt the very human gifted,

and people will not compete to be on the top;

Do not treasure rare goods.

people will not take all measures to gain.

Do not explore desires,

people’s mind will not be confused.


Therefore, those enlightened lead people

by emptying their minds from desires,

providing them enough food,

weakening their ambitions,

and strengthening their bodies.


Let people always act without human stategy or greediness.

Let the smart not venture to act.


Manifest and evolve under the laws of pure consciousness,

everything is in good order.

 第三章  无为而治 





   真正悟道的人治理社会,要剪除民众的私心杂念,确保他们免于饥饿和寒苦, 去除其追逐个体贪欲和自我表现的意念,增强他们的体质。使民众去除追求个体贪欲的智能机巧。使得自作聪明的人不敢妄为。


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