王文明:道德经英文 第十三章
2016-01-20 5699
第十三章  荣辱不惊


Panickingin Favor

Ordinary people are apt to get into panicking in gaining favor and losing favor,

For they regard material loss as precious as losing part of the physicalbody.

What is the meaning of “panicking in in gaining favor and losing favor”

Favor ascends,out of favor descends,

to attain favor brings delightment,

to lose favor brings delution.

Therefore there is“panicking in favor and out of favor ”

What is “Regarding material loss as precious as losing part of thephysical body?”

What we fear is the exstistence of our physical body;

When we are selfless,

Where does the fear come from?

Theorefore those who value the world ashis body may be entrusted with the empire.

Those who loves the worldas be does his own body can be entrusted with the world.


人们容易得宠与受辱时惊慌失措, 也会把荣辱这样的大患看得与身体器官一样珍贵。什么是得宠和受辱而惊慌失措呢?得宠是卑下的,得宠惊喜, 失宠惊恐,称之为得宠与失宠都惊慌。什么又是把荣辱这样的大患看得与身体器官一样珍贵呢?人之所以有患得患失,完全是因为有“我”为中心的感知;一旦放下这个躯体,还会有什么祸患呢?


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