第十五章 微妙玄通
TheAdepts Who Perceived the Tao
The ancient adeptsof the Tao were subtly ingenious and profoundly intuitive.
Their minds were too deep to befathomed.
Because they areunfathomable, One can only describe them vaguely by their appearance. Hesitantlike one wading a stream in winter; Timid like one afraid of his neighbours onall sides; Cautious and courteous like a guest; self-effacing like ice that ismelting away; genuine, like a piece of uncarved wood; open and receptive like avalley; and dull like muddy water. freely mixing, like muddy water.
Whou can cut off the dailymaterial life
and gradually arrive at PureConsciouness in quietness?
Who can get charged and get self-cleanedin meditation,
and gradually bring disciplinesof the Pure Consciouness to daily life.
He who embraces this Tao doesnot want to fill himself to overflowing. It is precisely because there is nooverflowing that he is beyond wearing out and renewal.
恰恰是因为不去追求圆满,他们才能够抱朴守拙, 被褐怀玉。