王文明:道德经英文 第十九章
2016-01-20 5471

第十九章  见素抱朴



Embracing Simplicity

Throw away the human sacred and human cleverness ,

and people will benefit a hundredfold.

Drop human morality and righteousness,

people will return to be filial and kindly.


Drop shrewdness, abandon greediness,turmoil to gain will no longer exist.

These three things are superficial and are not adequate.

Therefore, they should be subordinated To a Higher principle:

reveal simplicity; embrace the natural; control selfishness; reduce desires.


There will be no disturbance if human strategies on greediness are abandoned.



以上三者也只是表层的,还有更为基本的准则。保持纯洁朴实的本性, 减少私心杂念。


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