王文明:道德经英文 第二十一章
2016-01-20 5414

第二十一章    恍惚观道



Perceiving the Existence of the Energy of the Pure Consciousness

The The greatest virtue of the Pure Consciousness,

Is expressed only through the Tao.

Tao is a thing that is both invisible and intangible. Intangible and invisible, yet there are forms in it; Invisible and intangible, yet there is substance in it; Subtle and obscure, there is essence in it; Its essence is unquestionably genuine. There is the cosmic faith in it.

Throughout the ages Its Name has been preserved In order to recall the Beginning of all things.

From ancient times until the present, its name (its being) has stayed the same, all beings have come from it.

From the ancient times till now its manifestations have never ceased, by which we may see the beginning of all things.

How do I recognize the form of the beginnings of everything?

It is through my inner reflection of the everlasting cycles of nonbeing and being .




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