王文明:道德经英文 第二十六章
2016-01-20 5343

第二十六章 重为轻根

是以君子终日行不离辎重。虽有荣观,燕处超然。奈何万乘之主,而以身轻天下? 轻则失根,躁则失君。

The Heavy is the Root

Heaviness is the root of lightness. Tranquility is the master of agitation. 

Those who sense the existence of P.C can travel the whole day

but, always keep rooted to the unmoved origin of all creation.

However splendid the views,

They remain serene and unattached.

How is it that a lord with ten thousand chariots Should put himself higher than his empire?

To act lightly is to lose one's root. To be restless is to lose one's self-mastery.




厚重的本源生命能量是外在躯体的根本, 本源生命能量的宁静是生命显现的主宰。因此,古代悟道的人,做事终究离不开纯宇宙意识能的本源大德。他们虽有华丽的生活, 却泰然处之。反过来,那些显赫的君主们又岂能把自身看得高于天下呢?


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