王文明:道德经英文 第二十九章 
2016-01-20 5251

第二十九章   顺势而为

将欲取天下而为之,吾见其不得已。天下神器,不可为也。为者败之,执者失之。 故物或行或随,或嘘或吹,或强或羸,或挫或隳。 是以圣人去甚,去奢,去泰。

Act Within Natural Laws

Those who take over the world and act upon it, I notice, do notsucceed.


The world is of the nature from universal intelligence and itcan not be controlled. He who acts on it harms it. He who holds on to it losesit.

So, the laws ofnature have their own rythems,

Some lead, somefollow;

Some agitate, someremain silent;

Some are firm, someare weak;

Some manifest, somefall apart.

Thus, Enlightened Individuals

avoid extremes,

avoid extravagance,

avoid excesses.



万物各具法则: 有引领, 有随从; 有徐缓, 有急促; 有坚固,有柔弱;有行健,有败落。由此,真正悟道的人要去除极端,去除骄奢, 去除虚华。

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