王文明:道德经英文 第四十二章
2016-01-20 4730

第四十二章     道生万物

人之所恶,唯孤、寡、不谷,而王公以为称。 故物或损之而益,或益之而损。

Tao Gives Birth to AllThings

Tao gives birth to One.

One gives birth to Two.

Two gives birth to Three.

Three gives birth to all creation.

All things have thereceptivity of the female and the activity of the male. Through union with thelife force they blend in harmony.

People hate being orphaned, lonely, and unworthy. Yet kings andnobles call themselves such.

Truly, one may gain bylosing; And one may lose by gaining.

What another has taught, Ialso teach: "A violent man will not reach hisnatural end."  I shall make thisprimary in my teaching.


道的纯意识能量化生一个循环宇宙磁场,在这一磁场中化生出阴、阳二气,阴阳相交形成无限生命循环,由此繁衍宇宙间的万物。宇宙万物都包含着阴和阳,阴阳交汇激荡而成为新的平衡体。人类所厌恶的就是“孤”、“寡”、“不谷”,而侯王们却恰恰这样称呼自己。因此,宇宙间万物有时减损而获得增加,而增加反而受到减损。其实,前人如此教导, 我亦依此理教授。


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