王文明:道德经英文 第四十六章
2016-01-20 4569

第四十六章  知足常足

Knowing enough is Enough


When the world is in harmony withthe Tao,

even the war horses are used forfarming.

When the world runs without theharmony,

Even female war-horses aregathered for war, giving birth in the battle field.

The greatest temptation to crime is desire. The greatest curse isdiscontent. The greatest calamity is greed.

Whoever is content with contentment is always contented.


尊道奉德治理国家,民心清净而天下太平,战马退还于农耕。治理脱离道德之本,战祸连绵,怀胎的母马都用于战事, 以致产驹于郊外。

没有那一种祸事能超过不知足; 没有那一种过失胜过贪婪。只有悟道感恩才会常足无忧。

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