王文明:道德经英文 第六十六章
2016-01-20 3931

第六十六章   无争而上

是以欲上民,必以言下之; 欲先民,必以身后之。是以圣人处上而民不重,处前而民不害。是以天下乐推而不厌,以其不争,故天下莫能与之争。

The Power in Non-competition

Great rivers and seas arelords of all mountain streams, because they are good at staying below them.Therefore they are lords of the streams.

Therefore in order to be thechief among the people, One must speak like their inferiors. In order to beforemost among the people, One must walk behind them.

In this way the wise watchover the people but do not oppress them; they lead the people but do not blockthem. Thus everyone happily goes along without getting tired.

t is precisely because hedoes not compete that the world cannot compete with him.



第六十六章   无争而上

是以欲上民,必以言下之; 欲先民,必以身后之。是以圣人处上而民不重,处前而民不害。是以天下乐推而不厌,以其不争,故天下莫能与之争。

The Power in Non-competition

Great rivers and seas arelords of all mountain streams, because they are good at staying below them.Therefore they are lords of the streams.

Therefore in order to be thechief among the people, One must speak like their inferiors. In order to beforemost among the people, One must walk behind them.

In this way the wise watchover the people but do not oppress them; they lead the people but do not blockthem. Thus everyone happily goes along without getting tired.

t is precisely because hedoes not compete that the world cannot compete with him.



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