王文明:道德经英文 第七十二章
2016-01-20 3829

第七十二章  水可覆舟

民不畏威,则大威至。无狎其所居,无厌其所生。夫唯不厌,是以不厌。 是以圣人自知不自见,自爱不自贵。故去彼取此。

WaterSwallows Boats Occationally

When people lack a sense of awe, then something awful will happen.

If peopleno longer have fear for authority,

therecomes the real trouble.

Do not constrict people's living space. Do not suppress theirlivelihoods. It is because you do not oppress them that your leadership will berespected.

Therefore, the Sage knows himself, But makes no show of himself; Loveshimself, But does not exalt himself.


He lets go of showing off and conceit, and embraces self-knowledge andlove.




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