王文明:道德经英文 第七十三章
2016-01-20 3816

第七十三章     疏而不漏


Nature’s Net

Those bold in breakingNatural Laws will die,

those bold in acting inaccoedance with the Natural laws will survive.


Of these two kinds of bravery, one is beneficial, while theother proves harmful. Some things are detested by the Natural Laws, But nobody knowsthe reason.

The Tao of the universe does not compete, yet wins; does notspeak, yet all respond;does not command, yet is obeyed; and does act, but is good at directing.

The nets of the universe are wide, but nothing slips through.

4. 本章根据帛书乙本, 去除了“是以圣人犹难之“一句。63章中出现过,与本章内容不符。




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