王文明:道德经英文 第七十四章
2016-01-20 3784

第七十四章      恩威有度

民不畏死,奈何以死惧之?若使民常畏死,而为奇者,吾得而杀之,孰敢? 常有司杀者杀,夫代司杀者杀,是谓代大匠斫,夫代大匠斫者,希有不伤其手矣。





TheUse of Encouragement and Punishment

When the people are no longer afraid of deathhow can they be treathened with death?

Supposing the people always had the fearof death, and we could catch law breakers and kill them - whodare follow their suit?

There is always the master executioner (Nature) who kills. Toundertake executions for the master executioner is like hewing wood for themaster carpenter. Whoever undertakes hewing wood for the master carpenterrarely escapes injuring his own hands.

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