王文明:道德经英文 第七十五章
2016-01-20 3761

第七十五章  民生为上

民之饥,以其上食税之多,是以饥。 民之难治,以其上之有为,是以难治。 民之轻死,以其上求生之厚,是以轻死。 夫唯无以生为者,是贤于贵生。

Actingfor People

People are hungry, because rulers eat too much tax-grain. That is whypeople are starving.

People are hard to govern, because rulers interfere too much. That is whythey are hard to govern.

People do not care about death, because rulers demand too much forthemselves living little room for the people. Only those who govern witnin theNature Laws are the rulers who take the benefits of the people as priority.




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