王文明:道德经英文 第七十七章
2016-01-20 3631

第七十七章  动态平衡

天之道,其犹张弓与?高者抑之,下者举之,有馀者损之,不足者补之。 天之道,损有馀而补不足。人之道则不然,损不足以奉有馀。
孰能有馀以奉天下,唯有道者。 是以圣人为而不恃,功成而不处,其不欲见贤。

The Tao innature

is likethe bending of a bow.

The top isbent down,

the bottomis raised up.

It adjustsexcess and deficiency to keep a perfect balance.

The Way of heaven takes fromthose who have too much and gives to those who do not have enough. The humanway is different. It takes from those who do not have enough and gives to thosewho have too much.

Who thencan use excess to serve the world?

Thoseenlightened individuals who lives in the Tao.

ThereforeEnlightened individuals act without expectation,

He accomplishes his task, butdoes not claim credit for it. and have no desire to dispaly their excellence.








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