王文明:道德经英文 第七十九章
2016-01-20 3606

第七十九章   中和解怨

和大怨,必有馀怨,安可以为善? 报怨以德。是以圣人执左契,而不责于人。有德司契,无德司彻。天道无亲,常与善人。

Reconciling by Natural Laws

Patching up a great hatred is sure to leave some hatred behind. How canthis be regarded as satisfactory?

That iswhy Enlightened Individuals

hold theleft side of the contract

and donot blame others.

The virtuous attends to his duties; The virtueless knows only how to levyduties upon the people.

The Tao in Nature is impartial. It always stayswith the harmonious.







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