财务实战解决方案 - 从专业智慧到落地技术
王征:Dave Hughes 对王征老师 财务实战系列课程 的评语_腾讯视频
2017-11-25 2129

Dave Hughes (Independent Director, Norican Group; Former President, Foseco Foundry BU at Vesuvius plc) 对 世界500强企业资深CFO 王征老师 财务实战系列课程 的评语。I first met James about ten years ago. We then work together for several years. During this time, I was very impressed by the breadth and depth of James’ finance and accounting knowledge, but most of all by his professional integrity. Therefore, I am absolutely confident James’s training programs be of very high standard and will bring enormous value to people he works with.


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