财务实战解决方案 - 从专业智慧到落地技术
王征:Sunder 对 王征老师 财务实战系列课程 的评语_腾讯视频
2017-11-25 2467

Sunderrajan Venkatraman (VP Finance, Advanced Refractories at Vesuvius UK) 对 世界500强企业资深CFO 王征老师 财务实战系列课程 的评语。I have known James since 2007. I have worked very closely with James when he was part of my management team for our business in China. James has valuable experience in dealing with real problems in business, and finding long term solutions. Hence, his training program about the solution to finance function helps to identify the root causes and how to find solutions by work in a systematic manner. These solutions are tried and tested and hence workable for the business. I value James’ integrity and expertise in the field of finance and business. I feel confident to recommend his training program.

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