程晓华:沃顿商学院《运营管理概论》题目求教 -不良品被转移到发运部的概率有多大?
2016-01-20 3500

沃顿商学院《运营管理概论》题目求教 -不良品被转移到发运部的概率有多大?


问题1:该生产线产生不良品的概率是多大?(不管是否有不良品是否被抓到没有)- 这道题答案很简单,0.394994

问题2:不良品被转移到发运部的概率有多大?- 这道题,我提交的答案是0.061286,但结果是错的

Consider an assemblyline with 50 steps that are carried out sequentially. Each of the 50 steps hasa defect probability of 1%. The final product produced on the assembly line isdefective if any one of the 50 steps made a defect.

At the end of theassembly line there are two operators independently inspecting the product.Each of them is recognizing a defective product with a 90% probability.Assuming that the product is not defective, it is moved to the shippingdepartment. Otherwise, the product is scrapped.

50SAL1. What is the probability that a defectiveproduct is produced (independent of the defect being found or not)?

50SAL2. What is the probability that a defective product is moved to theshipping department?


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