
20180306 胡大平


下午我电话问导师班同修:“什么是顿悟?” 她回答:“在渐悟的基础上产生的顿悟”。我问:“你是谁?” 她给几个答案,我还问。后来,她回答:“我什么都不是,我什么都是,我是世界,什么都不是与什么都是同时存在。” 我问你现在有什么感觉,她回答:“我的眼眶湿润了,我内心充满了喜悦和能量”。她讲:“我感觉到了顿悟”。

Sudden realization

This afternoon I asked the student of tutor class by telephone that what is sudden realization. She answered that sudden realization is based on gradual realization. Then I asked who are you, she gave several answers, I kept asking who are you.  Later on, She answered that I am nothing, I am everything, I am the world, nothing and everything exist simultaneously. I asked her how you  felt. She said that my tears are full, I am overwhelmed by joy and energy. She said that I touched the sudden realization.

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