避开 避开痛苦,就避开喜乐。 避开问题,就避开答案。 避开思考,就避开本质。 避开责任,就避开机会。 Escape To escape pain is to escape joy. To escape the problems is to escape the answers. To escape the thinking is to escape the essence. To escape
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控制与修行 控制来自自我, 修行来自非我; 控制支配自己, 修行了解自己; 控制是不自然, 修行是自然的; 控制是压抑的, 修行是自发的。 Control and practice Control comes from self, practice comes from no self. Control comes from dominating self. Practice comes fro
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20180424 胡大平 风流 如果你找到了自己,你就是利他的,你会有洋溢的爱和洋溢的本质,你自然分享就如同花充满芬芳,它就一直与风分享。 Share with wind If you find yourself, you are altruism, you are full of the nature of love and essence. Your nature speaking is l
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彼此 给予彼此的空间越多,彼此就越接近。 彼此允许的自由越多,彼此就越亲密。 Each other The more space you give to each other, the more you are together. The more you allow freedom to each other, the more intimate you are.
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残酷 残酷体现真实。 残酷激发潜力 残酷使人专注。 残酷提高效率。 Cruelty Cruelty displays reality, inspires potential , concentrates attention, improves effectiveness.
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真正的朋友 真正的朋友身上有一股强大的磁场,能够把我们身上的美德吸引出来,不需要多余的话。 Real friends Real friends have a very strong field which could attract the virtues of our bodies, no more words are needed
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迷和悟 迷了物转你。 悟了你转物。 迷了经转你。 悟了你转经。 Confusion and enlightenment Confused, things rotate you. Enlightened, you rotate things. Confused, classics rotate you. Enlightened, you rotate classics.
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绽放 发光是能量的绽放。 觉悟是生命的绽放。 觉他是智慧的绽放。 利他是慈悲的绽放。 Blossoming Shining is the blossoming of energy. Enlightenment is the blossoming of life. Awakening the others is the blossoming of wisdom. Altruism is the b
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真实 真实才感动。 真实是力量。 真实是价值。 真实是效率。 真实是基础。 truth truth touches hearts, truth is power, truth is value, truth is effectiveness, truth is foundation.
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20180403 胡大平 水到渠成 缘分是水到渠成。 开悟是水到渠成。 财富是水到渠成。 灵感是水到渠成。 Water flows, channel happens Karma, enlightenment, fortune, inspiration happens when conditions are right.
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