§Objective & Scope 4 §Overview of Lean Model Warehouse 5 - 6 §Lean Model Warehouse – Receiving Overview 7 - 8 §Receiving – Truck Scheduling and One Piece Flow 9 - 16 §Receiving – Supplier Barcod
§Lean Supply Chain Focus 5 §Lean Supply Chain Kaizen Workshop Goals 6 §Overview 7 §LSC Initiatives – Integrated Demand Management (IDM) 8 §Levers For Managing Inventory 10 §IDM Business Processes
1. 主要是应用七种不同的评级标准针对同一个问题进行打分,最后选择最优的解决方案的一种方法。 2. 此项目必须有专业的团队进行操作 3. 项目成员有来自不同部门的相关的人员,例如:品质,生产,工程,人事
课程大纲主要如下:The mainly included as below :范围和目的Scope & Objective关键受益 Key Benefits VSM 的重要性The importance of VSM 定义价值和浪费Defining Values and Wastes VSM时间的计算VSM Time Metrics Calculations7+1 浪费7 + 1 Dead
The mainly content will be covered as below:本课程主要围绕以下一个大纲展开:1.什么叫做切换时间 Setup time definition 2. 为什么要进行切换,给我们带来的好处 Why reduce setup time 3.典型的换摸活动 Typical Setup Activity 4.内部,外部作业的定义和区分(如何外转内)Setup act