如果你不变换角色,你将卡在现在的角色里,角色是流动的能量的外在体现,角色是体现你调整阴阳的能力,角色是你的色彩。 Role If you do not change your role, you will be stuck in your role, the role the manifestation of your energy flow, and the demonstration of
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20171129 胡大平 融入才能理解 要理解有智慧的人是很难的,他不是用脑,他是存在和无形,任何的理解都是误解,你要去经验他,你可以融入他。 Integration is understanding It is difficult to understand the wise person, for he does not use brain, he is existence and form
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20171128 胡大平 四宝 胸怀温暖人心。 梦想凝聚人心。 慈悲净化人心。 智慧滋养人心。 Four treasures Broad mind warms hearts. Dream cohere hearts. Compassion purifies hearts. Wisdom nourishes hearts.
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20171123 胡大平 灵魂 结构是单元的灵魂。 系统是结构的灵魂。 空性是系统的灵魂。 Soul Structure is the soul of unit. System is the soul of structure. Emptiness is the soul of system.
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2017.11.19 爱科神 胡大平 深圳 军人的本质是胜利, 责任心的本质是结果, 真是才能广大, 黄金分割率随处可用。
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胆略是战略的基础 胆略是本能的力量 胆略是整体的能量 胆略是驾驭的能量 Courage Courage is the foundation of strategy Courage is the strength of instinct. Courage is the power of totality. Courage is the energy of control.
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当你以自己为中心时,你的世界就是你的世界,当你以众生的世界为中心时,众生的世界也是你的世界。众生是无限的。 World When you take yourself as the center, your world is your world, when you take the sentient beings as the center, the whole world is your wor
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耶稣对他的门徒说:“除非你失去自己,否则你不会得到自己” Lose and gain Jesus says to his disciples: “unless you lose yourself, you cannot gain yourself”
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