20171218 胡大平 浪费 没有运动是对身体的浪费。 没有梦想是对生命的浪费。 没有失败是对成功的浪费。 没有痛苦是对喜悦的浪费。 Waste No exercise is waste of body. No dream is waste of life. No failure is waste of success. No pain is waste of joy.
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20171217 胡大平 顶峰即放下 一个人在走向顶峰的时候,他必须逐步放下每一样东西,最后的顶峰是在你不得不放下自己的时候达到。 Peak is let go When one is approaching the peak, he must gradually let go everything, one can only reach the final peak when he must
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20171214 胡大平 平台 朱棣从南京到燕京, 成了皇帝。 从湖南到北平,成了伟人。 齐白石从湖南到北平,成了名人。 Platform Zhudi had become the emperor from Nanjing to Beijing. Mao Zedong had become a great person from Hunan to Beijing. Qibaishi had be
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20171213 胡大平 爱是能量 先让爱充满,然后分享就会发生,神奇的是,当你给予,你开始接受未知的源头,未知的角落,未知的人,树木,河流,山川的能量。 Love is energy First be full of love, then the sharing happens. And then the great surprise . . . that as you give, you s
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20171212 胡大平 自己是障碍 当你的问题融化了,你的答案融化了,你自己融合了,幸福突然间就在哪里。 Self is the obstacle If your problems melt, your answers melt, yourself melts, happiness will be there suddenly.
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20171211 胡大平 互联网思维 零距离,互联网打破行业空间的局限。 去中心,互联网改变组织国家的结构。 分布式,互联网改变价值产生和传递。 Internet thinking Zero distance, which breaks the limitations of industry and space, Decentralization, which changes the struc
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20171210 胡大平 觉察到底 如果你死亡时还带有觉察,你的新的生命将去到一个新的高度,将有一个新的开始。 Consciousness all the way If you can die consciously, then certainly your new life will be on a very high level, from the very beginning。
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20171205 胡大平 依赖 如果你依赖,你就失去中心,失去平衡,开始抱怨,进入恶性循环。 Relying If you rely on something or someone, you will lose your center, and balance, you will complain, and enter vicious circulation.
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20171204 胡大平 中心和终点 中心无法找到外围,外围很难找到中心。 终点就在起点里面。 The center is hard to find the periphery, the periphery is hard to find the center. Finishing point is within the starting point.
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20171203 胡大平 关于爱 如果整体没有发生,爱是不可能的。如果你不知道意识是什么,你是无法爱的。 On love "If this oneness has not happened then love is not possible." You cannot love because you don’t know what consciousness is."
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